25 August 2007

Extreme Close-Up!!!

Me and my girlfriend (now my wife) at the ski slopes of Akakura Onsen, Niigata, February 2007. Okay, so you can't see her face clearly. You better be lucky she let me even put this picture up. That's about all you're going to get, so live with it.
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  1. So that's what she looks like! I can't believe I never met her in the year we spent in the Office together.

    It's good to see you're posting and having fun again.

  2. Hey Herman when are we going to see pictures of the wedding? You have to have something!!! I am waiting. Sadie

  3. I still owe you a Toga party dammit!!! Now the format's all messed up!

    Congratulations on joining this side of the fence. We'll have to change the Toga party to a Madden '06 fest while our better-halves chat.
