15 May 2006

Barkley for Governor

Just finished reading Who's Afraid of A Large Black Man by Charles Barkley. What a great book, and what a great format. Basically it's Barkley having conversations with many famous people - such as Bill Clinton, Tiger Woods, Samuel L. Jackson - about race. A lot of what Barkley says makes sense. Gambling problems aside, if he does become governor of Alabama, I just might go back.

10 May 2006

Back to School

For this new academic year, I wasn't expecting to teach at a public senior high school like I have the past 2 years. My boss wanted me to spend less time teaching and more time in the office attending to HR duties. However, it turned out that the company needed an ALT at a senior high school on short notice, so I'm back in the public school ALT saddle once again.

This school is different from the countryside school I taught at the last few years. This one's located in Osaka city. The students are different as well - very different. The kids say "Hello" or "Good morning" to me with no effort. I was lucky to get "Hello" or "Good morning" in Japanese at my old school.

I had to teach my first classes my second day at the school, which was kind of short notice. So I just used the self-introduction lesson that I had used for the first classes at my old high school. That lesson was too easy for these students. Luckily I had something prepared, but still... It's a new world now. Should be an interesting year.

07 May 2006

Update - May 7, 2006

A quick update on what's been happening in the past month:

  • A few weeks ago, the GF and I went to see Craig David live in Osaka - the first time I ever saw my favorite singer live. Although I like his music, I heard bad reviews about his live performances. But we were impressed. We'll be there for his next trip to Osaka.
  • For Golden Week, we did a massive driving trip all around the island of Shikoku, with some time spent in Hiroshima. It was great; it was nice to be able to breathe clean air and see trees. We covered so much ground and spent so much time in the car during the week that we didn't take a lot of pictures, but I'll post some of the better ones when I get a chance.