31 August 2009

(News Dog) DPJ takes power in Japan

In order to make this blog more interesting, I'm going to introduce some "segments" that I'll update on a regular basis. The first one I call "News Dog", which makes fun of the strange names that some Japanese news programs have, such as "News Bird", "News Zero", etc.

A historic event happened on Sunday here in Japan. The people elected the Democratic Party of Japan to power for the first time, knocking the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (which is anything but liberal) out of power.

How big is that? Imagine that after World War II, the United States' government was reorganized. Even though there is a multiparty democracy, one party - say, the Republican Party - has basically been in power ever since then. Then in 2009, the Republican Party is dramatically swept from power in a landslide. That is what happened in Japan yesterday.

Of course, I couldn't vote, being an American and all. But it's nice to witness it.

asahi.com(朝日新聞社):DPJ takes power in landslide win - English

1 comment:

  1. I made Ryota vote! (for the first time) I was shocked that they got it but very happy! One of their promises was that every child would receive 25,000 yen every month until JHS. I'm up for that! (You know, just to support the old crack habit...)we'll see if it happens or not though!
