21 August 2005

Representin' My Homey

My dude Jason just started up a new blog detailing what's happening in his fantasy football league. Now, if you like fantasy sports like I do, you'll love this blog. Check it out. While you're at it, check out his other blog, too.

Now, back to our program.


  1. Herman,

    I wonder if Jaci Velasquez has a blog? I was watching "Bend it Like Beckham" last night and saw a preview for a 2003 movie, "Chasing Papi," featuring Jaci V. and two other women vying for one man's affections. It didn't look very good, and it was strange to see Jaci in such a woman-as-object role. I guess she's still singing, but man!


  2. You know what... she probably does... I wouldn't be surprised. I saw that "Chasing Papi" movie at the local video rental store, but I didn't feel like getting it. Looks terrible. Anyway, hit me up sometime at hermangunn AT gmail.com.
