28 September 2006

Down Time

Hey, sorry about not posting much in recent months. I've hit a wall with my blog; I've lost my motivation for it. I've just been posting about my life, but some of you have said that's boring.

I do have to admit, my life is kind of boring, though.

So, here's what I'm wondering. Since you guys read this blog, what would you like me to post about? More details about my life? Happenings in Japan/Osaka? Anything that I don't do often that you would like me to do more often?

This blog isn't dead (yet) - just suffering some down time while I figure out what to do. Don't give up!


  1. Hey, post more pictures. Maybe a picture of you getting a face massage, hahaha.


  2. Who dares say Hermaninjapan is bland, boring, or banal? I love your blog, Herman! You could always make it more exciting by including pictures of yourself in perilous positions, nearly being run over by buses, nearly drowning in public baths, or nearly being gored to death by wild Osakan ocelots.

  3. How dare anyone say your blog is boring! Maybe they meant to say you don't post often enough. I find I do get bored with a blog when I check it multiple times a week and nothing's changed, but that's true of virtually any website. And hey, the blog is here to serve you, not for you to serve the blog, so write if you feel like it, and if not, (insert appropriate profanity here).
