Hey everyone, welcome to my blog! Basically, this is a website that I can easily update and share with you what's going on in my life. There's not much here yet, but as time goes on, I hope that this page will bloom to life. So please, be patient!
Just a couple of disclaimers:
(1) My parents, grandmother, and other family members see this blog, so I'll keep it clean (no 4-letter words, etc.). Please do the same with your comments.
(2) I talk about my girlfriend a lot, but she doesn't want her name to be mentioned on the internet. (Maybe she's embarrassed to be mentioned along with me... can't blame her.) Therefore, she will only be called "my girlfriend" here. If you know her name, don't mention it here, either. Also, if you know me very well and you don't want your name to be mentioned here, drop me a line and say so.
Talk to you later.
- Herman